Policies, Management Procedures and Assurances
Quality Assured
Nitestar Security Group provides security services that maintain our reputation amongst the foremost Security Providers in Queensland and Northern NSW, whilst maximising every commercial advantage to ensure continued success long into the future. To achieve these goals, we recognise our core values are:
Achieving and Maintaining Customer Satisfaction
Maintaining a high standard of professionalism in every aspect of our day to day business
Maintaining Environmentally and Economically sustainable processes
Continual development and improvement in everything we do
Every member of our team is responsible for quality of service, whilst management are dedicated to continually improving our efficiency and reputation by defining, refining and following procedures and methods detailed in our policy manuals.
Nitestar Pty Ltd is certified as operating a quality management system which complies with the requirements ISO 9001:2008 for the provision of security services.
Workplace Health and Safety
Protecting the health and Safety of our employees, our customers and the natural environment is a core value within Nitestar Security. We will not be satisfied until our workplaces are safe from hazards, our employees are injury free, our services and products are safe, and our commitment and record in regulatory compliance and protection of the environment are unmatched.
Specifically, this policy requires the following from every Nitestar serviced location:
Strive to eliminate all employee injuries by making the workplace free from hazards and unsafe actions;
Comply with the legal and regulatory requirements and the policies, standards and practices of the company;
Establish safety and environmental goals and the business plans necessary to achieve these goals;
Provide accurate and timely measurement and reporting of performance
Implement and periodically evaluate OHS Management Systems to reduce risks and continually improve the effectiveness of our OHS processes
Integrate safety and environmental considerations into investment decisions, the design of services and products, and in dealing with suppliers and contractors;
Require all employees and contractors to adhere to these standards and provide management commitment of the means and resources necessary to lead, support, monitor and maintain accountability for implementation of this policy.
In all the above, we seek and expect the involvement and contribution of our employees / contractors and strive for continuous improvement.
Environmental Policy
The Nitestar Security Group acknowledges and understands the negative effects human interaction and commercial operations can have on the local environment. The consequences of these effects can be disastrous and long reaching and as such it remains as one of our core company values to ensure we act as a part of the solution rather than the problem, by closely monitoring and striving to improve our environmental impact.
The Nitestar Security Group employs a wide range of policies to minimise the environmental impact of our day to day operations while complying with all legal requirements and client expectations. We also implement company measures and targets for:
Waste management
Carbon emissions
Resource usage
These policies and mandatory procedures are implemented by all employees to ensure that we meet the responsibilities to all our clients and stakeholders.
As an environmentally responsible company, the Nitestar Security Group is committed to the continued improvement of our environmental policies and practices. As such we welcome the opportunity to develop new approaches to environmental sustainability through managerial consultation, client discussions and when necessary via specialised expertise in a specific field.
Risk Management
Nitestar adheres to a risk adverse best practices approach in all matters of the workplace. Our company policies follow ISO 31000 and are designed to ensure that all potential risks are identified and properly mitigated prior to them being encountered. Should an unforeseen risk arise our dedicated staff are fully trained in the company procedures required to identify and mitigate any such risks. All new risks are documented and added to the Nitestar Security operations risk register for future reference. We believe risk management should:
create value – resources expended to mitigate risk should generally exceed the consequence of inaction, or (as in value engineering) the gain should exceed the pain
be an integral part of organisational processes
be part of decision making
explicitly address uncertainty and assumptions
be systematic and structured
be based on the best available information
be tailor-able
take into account human factors
be transparent and inclusive
be dynamic, iterative and responsive to change
be capable of continual improvement and enhancement
be continually or periodically re-assessed
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